Sunday, September 23, 2012


The USC Philosophy club exists to provide a forum where students at USC can take their education and intellectual thirst into their own hands. We understand "philosophy" in its broadest sense philos-sophia "love of wisdom," which means discussions are not limited solely to academic philosophical matters but rather to all matters that may foster our growth as "philosophers." 

This Club exists as a complement to the classroom where it's members, far from passively imbibing, actively express and discuss their ideas and thoughts with a like minded peer group. Thus, we are inspired more by the symposium than by the academy. The aim is to promote more of a free flowing engagement with ideas. To join one simply needs to be interested. We make no expectations of our members either in terms of their affiliation with USC or in terms of their contributions to the club. Our members can choose to become deeply involved or choose to come to only one meeting a year. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. Furthermore, at any moment we encourage our members to take leadership roles within the club: members may propose bringing in certain speakers or organize panels, propose amendments to meeting times or formats, anything. We take our motto from the 18th century Salons: aut delectare aut prodesse est (either to please or to educate).

The USC Philosophy Club meets on Mondays or Tuesdays, 6:30pm.

Our meeting often takes the format of hosting professors from various disciplines to talk and discuss about their topics of interests. A panel discussion is usually held near the end of every semester. At the end of each academic year, the club hosts mini-conference for students by students. Last Spring, 21 students presented in the conference.

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